As my wife and I discussed Splenda and artificial sweeteners this morning, she said, "People want a low-calorie diet with high-calorie flavor."
That's the truth, isn't it?
We originally started our discussion because of the dialogue I read here. It seems some people think that the debate between sugar and artificial sweeteners is either/or... it's either sugar or artificial sweeteners, so which will it be?
May I suggest the answer could be "neither." You don't have to eat either one. You can live just fine without sweeteners of any kind.
In fact, eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners and you'll be well on your way to improved health.
One lady in the discussion I mentioned above pointed out that continued consumption of sugar can lead to diabetes, as if that justified consumption of artificial sweeteners instead. What she's overlooking is that continued consumption of artificial sweeteners can lead to neurological diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
Want some anecdotal evidence against Splenda? Someone who goes by the moniker "aJuJuBean" writes:
"Just wanted to share that my husband works for a tank manufacturer and they had an order from a company that makes Splenda. The storage tanks for the product had to be specially treated on the inside because, if not, the Splenda would eventually eat right through the steel!"
And if you're interested in the science behind Splenda, check this out. In an article about artificial sweeteners, Dr. Janet Starr Hull writes:
"Sucralose (Splenda) is a chlorocarbon—a chlorine-containing compound. The chlorocarbons have long been known for causing organ, genetic, and reproductive damage. It should be no surprise, then, that testing of sucralose revealed organ, genetic, and reproductive damage. Research on lab rats showed up to forty percent shrinkage of the thymus gland: a gland that is the very foundation of our immune system. The contamination of water supplies by chlorocarbons is a serious problem in most European countries today, making many people very ill and warranting cancer studies. Due to the chlorine content in Splenda, sucralose can inflame swelling of the liver and kidneys, and calcification of the kidney, as shown in animal studies. If you experience kidney pain, cramping, or an irritated bladder after using sucralose, stop using it immediately."
If you believe you can consume diet beverages and artificially sweetened food products without eventually paying the consequences, you are sorely mistaken. As Dr. Janet Starr Hull says so eloquently at the beginning of her article "Artificial Sweeteners Create an Artificial Need":
"It's time to admit that there is no free ticket to eating all the sugar-free products you desire without paying the high price of harming your body in the long run. The 'technology of foods' (artificial sweeteners and manmade foods) has gone too far, and will not secure eternal health, beauty, slimness, or youth."
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