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Terry, VP Nutrition Facts

It doesn't surprise me. I see it all around more and more everywhere I look. I was wondering when somebody would just start selling deep fried, sugar-coated fat and then I saw a picture of a Krispy Kream bacon cheeseburger. There you go.

1000 calories a day

wow this sounds delicious...will definitely try it

Suzy 'get skinny fast' Jones

I tend to look at the labels a lot more these days an i just can't get my head around how much sugar is added to things. Even something like peanut butter that i saw the other day had added sugar in it, why you need to put sugar in peanut butter i do not know! Even some of the 'so called' healthy products have got things in that you don't want to be eating a lot of so it really does make sense to read the labels before buying anything really.

Gastric Bypass Man

Well, we wouldn't be surprised as more and more foods are now becoming less appealing due to their unhealthy ingredients.

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