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A new study has revealed that talking on a cell phone while driving increases your risk of getting into an accident by 4.9 times, reports The Week Magazine.
If you opt for a hands-free set, you're still increasing your chances of an accident by 3.8 times. Not good odds at all.
What's interesting about the study is that the researchers didn't rely on the drivers' honesty—they cross-referenced the time of the accidents to the phone company's records to see whether or not each driver was indeed on the phone at the time of the accident.
Advice: carry a cell phone in your car in case of emergencies, but save your conversations for a time when you're not driving.
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This is so true. Regardless of how good a driver you are, other people are careless as well. According to the National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) "The primary responsibility of the driver is to operate a motor vehicle safely. The task of driving requires full attention and focus. Research shows that driving while using a cell phone can pose a serious cognitive distraction and degrade driver performance." So there you go, we now understand that talking on the cell phone and driving can cause dangers and to other inocent bystanders.
Posted by: Amanda Villanueva | 15 December 2005 at 09:53 PM