Two days ago, in my article about America's declining longevity, I wrote, "Not even the threat of death can alter a man's habits."
Later that same day I happened to be reading John Carlton's Kick-Ass Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing Rebel when I came across this statement: "The power of desire can trump survival."
Our statements were so similar, I thought here's a guy who understands what's going on.
Once you understand how powerful desire is, you'll finally have a hope of overcoming your personal struggle with smoking, over-eating, looking at pornography, etc.
My wife and I have had one big struggle in our marriage, a struggle that lasted for the first five years we were married.
It was one of those "vicious circle" kind of things. My weakness played on her weakness and her weakness played on mine. So around and around we went.
For those first few years, my wife would continually blame me for her behavior. "I feel this way because of what you're doing!"
I refused to accept her reasoning. "You're feeling the way you're feeling because you choose to feel that way."
Whoa, boy. My wife never enjoyed hearing that. But after a few years, she finally began to realize the truth of what I was saying.
Like my wife, most people choose to blame. But blame is useless.
Blame abdicates responsibility. Blame steals personal power. Blame turns you from a thinking human being into a reactive automaton.
Listen up. You won't even begin to change your eating habits... your exercise habits... your smoking habits... whatever... until you stop the blame game and choose to change for yourself.
Change happens when you want to change. Not when you have to change.
You have to want to change... for you and you alone. Not for anyone else. Don't fall into the delusion that you're changing for your spouse or your children or God. The fact is, you'll only change when you're selfish about it—when you do it for yourself.
John Carlton, in The Marketing Rebel Rant, put it this way:
"You won't quit smoking, you know, until you really want to. Not for the sake of other people (not even your loved ones). It will happen ONLY when you want it so bad, you will actually do something about it. For yourself."
'Ol Johnny C. knows what he's talking about it, even if he is a crass money-hungry copywriter. I know what he's talking about; been there, done that.
You, too, will be wise to consider what I'm saying, even if I've struck a nerve with you. Because recognition of the power of your own desire is where all change starts. (Just ask my wife... ever since she decided she wanted to change, the "big struggle" in our marriage has become a non-issue.)