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Ken Dix

I can't wait for the Cookie Monster to appear on Oprah to admit that he suffered from bulimia and depression due to a steady diet of cookies.


The Cookie Monster makeover ticks me off and I think it's ridiculous! They've gone too far with this one. I am one of the healthiest eaters I know, have been since I was a kid, even though I spent a good deal of time in front of the TV and was never denied dessert when appropriate.

But I LOVED Cookie Monster and had enough common sense, even as a child, to realize that one cannot live on cookies alone. I also realized that Cookie Monster was a BLUE MONSTER PUPPET, not a real person and that his rules were likely different.

All the fun and creativity is being taken out of his character with all of our modern-day diet paranoia and craziness. I know we have a weight problem as a country, but how far must we dummy everything down so that people can understand that there is more to good eating than cookies? What's the parent and teacher role in this?

I don't know about you, but I don't want to watch Cookie Monster binging on fruits and veggies... kinda loses his crazy and funny charm ("ME WANT APPLE!" does not have the same ring). It's a sad end of an era.

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