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December 17, 2007


John Holzmann

Woo-hoo! Go Ron Paul! :)

JP Maroney

Believe it or not, I'm from Texas and JUST today got turned on to Ron Paul via another source.

I'm not "in his corner" yet -- I wann check him out. But, I like what I'm seeing.

If nothing else, this'll be VERY interesting to watch from a marketer's viewpoing.

Now, Monetize It!

JP Maroney
"Mr. Monetizer" - main - blog

Jennifer Gibbs

I love it! Just like some of my favorite copywriting gurus to share my passion for Ron Paul!

You're really onto something!

I LOVE this guy! I have since I first really heard about him a little over six months ago.

I'm glad to see other writers so excited.

I'd like to send you over an idea I have on alliance, one that came to mind after Debbie Hopper contacted me to work (professionally!) on the Ron Paul 2008 campaign.

Could you please email me so that I could provide the details?


Jennifer Gibbs

Ryan Healy

@John - Amen!

@JP - I learned of Ron Paul about five years ago reading The Daily Reckoning. Bill Bonner would sometimes feature his articles or quote him. So when I heard he was running for President, I was already on board.

As far as I can tell, he's the best chance we have for turning this country around.

@Jennifer - I just sent you an email.

Michael Roach

The more I hear Ron Paul speak, the more I'm convinced that he would -- hopefully WILL -- be one of the world's greatest leaders in modern history.

Please, take less than a half hour to watch his latest videos, a 2-part series added to YouTube on Dec 16.

As an aside, some people falsely believe that Ron Paul is naive to the reality and threat of terrorism, nor has any ideas of how to deal with terrorism. Thankfully, this is absolutely NOT true.

Watch the videos. This is discussed in there as well.

Emma Morgan

Never heard of him before, makes interesting reading though! Talking about making money, does anyone here visit James Brausch's Blog?

Ryan Healy

@Michael - Thanks for the additional information. Much appreciated.

@Emma - I read James Brausch's blog often. I'm also one of his Magic Email coaching students. I recommend you read his blog and use his products.

@Dave - Glad I could share some info about Ron Paul. Thanks for dropping in!

DK Fynn

Hello, My American "Big Brothers (and Sisters)"

I'm a Canadian who really cares about what's really (I mean, REALLY) going on in the US. Lately, I've been exposed to Ron Paul and his ideas, and I like what I hear from him. I normally am more aligned with the Deomocratic candidates, but from my research, I like Ron Paul better.

Check out Mark Joyner's blog, too. He recenty created a post about how the media doesn't even pay Ron the attention he deserves.

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