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November 22, 2007


Stephen Dean

Sounds like if copywriters were the only ones voting Paul would win in a landslide! Happy thanksgiving man.

N. Pannbacker

It warms my heart to see what people are doing in support of Ron Paul and freedom. Without this post I would never have read about that email.



Thanks for posting this. It can be hard to stand up for what you believe when it could affect your livelihood.

This is your best post ever.

Ryan Healy

Stephen - Yes, it seems a lot of copywriters support Ron Paul. But I'm guessing it's more related to being an entrepreneur than being a copywriter.

N.P. - Glad you found the email helpful.

Denver - You're welcome. And thanks for the compliment. But John Manley should get the bulk of the credit since he's the one who wrote the email. :-)


Right on Manley! But the sad truth is that Ron Paul probably won't be elected the next US President. Even though his ideas make incredible common sense, too many vested interests would lose big if Mr. Paul got the nation's top job. So they - lobbyists, political opponents - will do whatever they can to ensure this doesn't happen. Plus, he has an uphill battle with entitlement-conscious voters who think the gov't spigot is endless. This is why, in part, I don't think Ron Paul will be elected.

What I do hope is that he raises the awareness of complacent Americans. Wake up! You can't ride this crazy gravy train forever. You have debts to pay - both psychic and fiscal.


Right on Manley! But the sad truth is that Ron Paul probably won't be elected the next US President. Even though his ideas make incredible common sense, too many vested interests would lose big if Mr. Paul got the nation's top job. So they - lobbyists, political opponents - will do whatever they can to ensure this doesn't happen. Plus, he has an uphill battle with entitlement-conscious voters who think the gov't spigot is endless. This is why, in part, I don't think Ron Paul will be elected.

What I do hope is that he raises the awareness of complacent Americans. Wake up! You can't ride this crazy gravy train forever. You have debts to pay - both psychic and fiscal.

new years revolution

A revolution is going around the nation and the world. We the people will voice our choice!

Ron Paul for president.

tower defense

It seems a lot of copywriters support Ron Paul. But I'm guessing it's more related to being an entrepreneur than being a copywriter.

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