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October 22, 2007


James D. Brausch

Hey Ryan,

Can you send me your mailing address to the email address listed with this comment?



Ryan--thanks for doing this.

I have a question about uncovering the objections of prospective clients in the gourmet food direct marketing industry.

How can I go about discovering what their biggest headache is when hiring and working with a copywriter?

I know there are some dm generalities on this issue across all industries, but I want to get as specific as possible.


Joseph Ratliff


Here's my question for you?

How far out do you book your client project schedule effectively?

In other words, I keep finding a frustration with booking out too far, and natural changes in that client's business forces a schedule change that has me re-arranging my project schedule again.

Joseph Ratliff

Bruce Ruby

Hi Ryan,--in your opinion, how important do you feel graphics are on the sales page? what extent do they affect conversion in your experience?...also, do you discuss graphics with your copywriting clients? Thanks!

Ruby Garson

Dear Ryan,

I have been receiving your emails for quite some time now. And even though I've had to let go of other writers emails, in order to keep up with all my emails, I've not deleted and have always enjoyed reading yours.

I have a lot of respect for you, and apppreciate the fact that you keep your emails to a minimum. Unlike others that may take 3-4 hours to read. I can read yours in a matter of a few minutes. I like that. So Thank You!

My question to you is this.

I was wanting to know if you'd give me your feedback on my website.
I am in the process of getting ready to redo my site--as I am Learning Adobe CS2.

I have my homepage focused on the copywriting prospects. However, I have several links to other things, like a free tip of the month, free tips for a simple life and other things I've written.

I also have links to a fundraising project I've written. I have links to flyers and things I am keeping posted on my site, trying to help a childrens home in India raise funds.

I know it is not a typical "one topic" web site, but at this point I cannot afford to pay for several sites to keep everything seperate.

If possible, I'd like to get your feedback on the written copy and how I could improve on it.

Hope this is not too long.

Thanks for your time!


Ruby E. Garson

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