For today, I thought I would refer you to some recent blog posts I have found particularly interesting and helpful. Each is related to marketing, persuasion, or copywriting. All of which are beneficial to copywriters and online marketers.
Terry Dean summarizes the six primary forces of influence as documented in Persuasion: The Psychology of Influence by Robert Cialdini. This is a great introduction to the book in fewer than a thousand words. Caution: After reading Terry's post, you may be persuaded to buy and read the book.
2. Check Out How My Brother Got Me 3 Clients
Rebecca Dean, sister of copywriter Stephen Dean, explains exactly how she was able to acquire three new clients simply by using a well-crafted forum signature. She not only shares the wording of the signature, but the forum she used to acquire the clients.
3. Social Proof, The Secret to Selling More And Being More Attractive to Women
Paul Hancox reveals the surprising results of a study designed to learn more about how we think... and how we are influenced by the opinions of others. I highly recommend you read this post if you are interested in understanding more about psychology. Once you learn the principle, you can discover the techniques and use them in your marketing.