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July 17, 2007


Kyle Tully

Spot on Ryan, I've just gotten back into exercising after a four month layoff and I feel great.

It does wonders to clear your head.

You give up an hour's time to exercise but I feel like I'm much more productive when I get back into it and actually get more work done.

John A. Manley

The exercise thing is simple but big. Especially, since are job is so sedentary.

I usually start the day with 15 minutes of a yoga/tension exercises. Have a 25 minute cardio or body-weight workout with my wife before lunch. Then in the evening we'll do a short 15-20 minute hike in the woods with the baby.

Considering I haven't had a vacation for two years, and work 6 days a week, and haven't burnt out, the regular exercise routine must have something to do with it.

Now, all I need now is a personal assistant like you got (plus some vacation time). Especially for the routine/repetitive work. That's a killer when you know what you could be doing.


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