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July 11, 2007



Thanks for the great info, Ryan! :)

Rasheed Ali

Great advice Ryan. Really enjoy your posts!

Hey one of my clients, who is STILL not using all of the copy I told him to use in particular no headline, has a GREAT sales letter tool... heat map/visitor scroll tracking software.

So to add to your list of questions from copywriters...

WHAT in the world do you do with clients that only "partially" listen to your critiques or advice on direct response copy? I don't know if you've noticed but there are a lot of Direct Response 'phobic' people out there.

Interesting story... I had a client that was the researcher and creator of a mind enhancement device that was proven to work in clinical trials for a number of disorders. She was making NO money with her website. Tons of content, no real copy. No sales. So I wrote a headline, subhead, some bullets and told her web guy to throw up an order button with a red border...

Not much because she was hesitant.

A week later she was averaging 4 sales a day of a $300 device and also got your usual "you look scammy emails." Great results only, she got scared of the negative emails and pulled the copy, only to go back to 0 sales. Go figure... DR-Phobia?

How do you deal with it?

Warmest Regards,

Tracey "Word Doctor" Dooley

Thanks so much for sharing this, Ryan.

I agree it's not worth trying to convert a client who wants a specific writing project to a higher-priced product. Apart from being slightly unethical, the client might just become an ex client if he/she feels you're 'taking the Michael'.

However, I do find that it can sometimes help when, for example, a client comes to you wanting a flyer but in actual fact the scope and objectives for the project call for a direct mail letter.

In this situation, I try to explain my recommendations and also provide two quotes - one for the original job that the client wanted, and one for the more tailored job I'd recommend. The client can always choose!



Pencil Pusher

Preferences, 3, 4 , 1, 2. (2 is last choice. 3 is first choice.) Thank you.

John Phillips

Hey Ryan,
As always, great info. I enjoy reading it!

Ryan Healy

Rasheed - Glad you enjoy my posts. By the way, I added your question to the list to be answered the next go-around. I will answer it then.

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