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June 06, 2007


John A. Manley

Sometimes I think the clever stuff would work as titles for products.

Oftentimes, products have dull titles. A clever name might help it appear different.

But, still, not much helping that headline... even the concept is confusing.

Sort of like when your army came up with the slogan, "An Army of One."

It took too much explanation to figure out what it really meant.

"Be All That You Can Be" was a gem. I don't know what made them think they had to change.

Ryan Healy

I'm totally with you on the Army slogan. It was a completely selfish appeal to new recruits ("Hey, I can be a war machine... an army of one!")--but far too confusing.

On the other hand, the new slogan could be a good thing if it confuses people into NOT joining, know what I mean? ;-)


The only time you should use a clever headline is in something that is creative in nature. Maybe an article about the arts...I don't know. If you are using a clever headlines your motivation is most likely to create curiosity. You have to be careful when doing this not to create confusion instead. Great find.

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