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April 04, 2007




You are absolutely correct regarding risking money to make money. My wife and I are still paying off the debt from our last retail store. We closed it the last day of 2004. I don't regret doing it though. I learned a great deal about how to run a business and how not to. I learned a great deal about which types of advertising don't work and which types do. But alas the fad we rode ended and we had invested our early big earnings into other items that just didn't sell. Some of them we couldn't give away. That lesson is directly applicable to copywriting and internet marketing. Before you invest your time and effort, make sure people want what it is you are selling.

I'm working on my mindset and intentions every day now. Thanks for the food for thought you provide.

Ryan Healy

Failure is one of those things you never want to go through again. But looking back, it's often where you learned the most.

That's how it's been with me.

And you're welcome, Perry. Thank YOU for reading. :-)

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