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February 16, 2007



"List Selector" is not as sexy as "Copywriter"

Ryan Healy

Ah-ha, but "list picker"... now THAT is sexy. ;-)

Craig Simpson

Hey Ryan,

If you are looking for a Direct Marketing Strategist, then I'm your guy. I’ve put together hundreds of mail campaigns, rented thousands of lists, and mailed over 80,000,000 sales pieces. I currently have a mailing going out every week of the year and mailing over million pieces a month.

If you really are looking for the next Dick Benson, let me know.

Craig Simpson

Richard Armstrong

I knew Dick Benson, I worked with Dick Benson, Dick Benson was a friend of mine ... and Senator, you're no Dick Benson. Actually, Dick was not the easiest person in the world to work with. He had a bizarre habit of not saying hello or goodbye on the telephone. You'd pick up the phone and he'd start talking to you. I remember my first call from him, in fact. I picked up the phone and I heard someone saying, "I know all the top copywriters in New York, how come I've never heard of you?" I remember saying into the phone, "Hello, who is this?" It reminded me of what the film producer Wolz said to Tom Hagen in the Godfather: "I know all the top lawyers in New York, how come I haven't heard of you?" I should've said to Dick, "I have a special practice, it's limited to one client." Saying goodbye was even more disconcerting. You'd just be talking and suddenly he'd decide he was finished and you'd hear a click and a dial tone. I must've called him back several times before I realized this was his m.o. At any rate, he was a very talented direct marketer, but there are some consultants today who come pretty close. Paul Goldberg in the field of consumer magazines (which is what Dick specialized in) and Jim Perdiew in membership and financial products. I work with both of them ... and they both have mastered the art of saying "hello" and "goodbye" on the telephone!

Ryan Healy

Richard - Thanks for your insights, as well as relating your personal experience with Dick. I remember the introduction to Secrets of Successful Direct Mail alluded to his strange phone habits. I can only imagine what that must have been like!

complete direct mail solutions

Direct marketing is one type of marketing that directly targets a consumer through direct mail, email, and social media. Direct mail marketing should be a part of every business' marketing plans.

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