Just got finished interviewing John Anghelache about how to get and keep copywriting clients. We had Dave Bernstein in the background doing the recording and making sure everything sounded good.
Dave will probably have the recording finished tonight, but I won't be distributing it until Monday, Feb. 26. So watch your email for the download link.
The recording will be in MP3 and it will be free.
If you were on tonight's teleseminar, what did you think? Was the information valuable? Worth your time?
Many thanks for you and John taking the time for last night's call.
And for making it free!
You both provided excellent insights into launching - and maintaining - a successful copywriting business.
Good Stuff. Lots of notes.
I've invested in John's Copywriter Profits course...and I HIGHLY recommend it.
I'm reviewing it right now and I'm amazed at the wealth of info John shares.
When you get the chance...buy It! It's gold.
Ryan, thanks for readily sharing your knowledge too. I sure appreciate it!
Posted by: Mark | February 23, 2007 at 03:34 PM
I only got to listen to the last 25 minutes or so but I thought it was very insightful. There was enough information in what I heard to want to listen again and take some good notes. Thanks for hosting this teleseminar.
Posted by: Perry | February 23, 2007 at 07:59 PM
Ryan, John --
Thanks for a terrific teleseminar. Great topics, highly informative and enjoyable!
You guys really got to the heart of the matter concerning what most of us struggle with. I'm learning about the 40-40-20 rule; you both helped me further understand the importance of aggressive marketing in the search for clients. Writing great copy is only a small part of the equation, and you guys really put that into perspective.
Thanks for enlightening me in practical terms that I can actually apply to real-time situations. Too many guidebooks talk in generalities and leave me scratching.
Let's have a beer again and talk clients, copywriting and marketing (well, listen anyway). You provided valuable insights on all fronts ...
Posted by: Jeff Long | February 23, 2007 at 10:21 PM
I appreciate you guys doing this for us!
Posted by: Lisa | February 24, 2007 at 09:33 AM
Mark, Perry, Jeff, and Lisa: Thank you for your positive feedback. I really appreciate it. :-)
(I would've posted this sooner, but I was gone all weekend.)
Posted by: Ryan Healy | February 26, 2007 at 10:46 AM
I agree with the others. This was a great teleconference. You hear strategies from John that you simply don't find in other copywriting courses or books.
Posted by: David Coyne | February 26, 2007 at 04:45 PM