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October 03, 2006



Great post!

I use it all the time. That said, there's also the converse.

What I've found is to use numbers in this manner: the bigger the benefit, or the lower the pain. (And conversely, when trying to teach your audience about the problem you are solving, especially when you want to agitate them, then the lower the benefit and the bigger the pain.)

Here's what I mean.

A $1,000 spread over the number of days the product will be used is what you just talked about. In this case, $2.74 a day.

But when building value at the point you are mentioning the price, you compare the price of your offer NOT against the price of a competitor's offer but against the ultimate cost of not buying yours (either of going ahead with your competitor, or of not taking action at all).

Some people call this "apples-to-oranges" comparisons. For example, let's say you know of someone who spent a lot of money in advertising a poor ad. A $500 placement here. A $225 placement there. And so on.

The total is over $20,000 paid in placing advertising , over the course of a year, that had little to no response.

Let's also say you sell a copywriting course for $1,000. Then you can compare the price of your course to the potential cost of not knowing how to write copy.

In this case, you would compare a small $1,000 investment (or more preferably, a $2,74-a-day investment) to a potential $20,000 mistake.

So which is it? $2.74 a day? Or $20,000?

It's also the same with discounts. Bigger numbers are cognitively and unconsciously recognized as "bigger" in the mind, even if it's spun in a different way. (And they also are proven in split-test results, too.)

For example, what's better: you sell a $1,000 course. You offer a 25% discount. Do you say 25%? Or $250?

The latter oftens wins in split-tests.

Another scenario: you see a $25 ebook. Do you say "25% discount?" Or "$6.25 off?"

In this case, 25% wins.

Again, the bigger the number (when it comes to benefits, such as discounts), or the lower the number (when it comes to price), the better the response.

Michel Fortin

Ryan Healy

Two excellent points, Michel.

1. Use apples-to-oranges comparisons.

2. When to use percentages vs. actual dollar amounts to show how affordable or how expensive something is.

John A. Manley

Michel, you're great at explaining things, with good examples.

I appreciate the way it's not altering the truth at all, it's just expressing it differently.



The Latte Effect is very useful, especially for goods and services that are meant to enjoy over long periods of time. In fact, several of the other suggestion in previous comments are great from the short-term perspective, too.

I also find that deemphasizing the issue of cost by instead focusing on continued quality and value can be an effective tool as well.

tower defense

I appreciate the way it's not altering the truth at all, it's just expressing it differently.

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