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September 20, 2006


John A. Manley

Hi Ryan,

I know what you mean about the too far removed curiosity lines.

I've experimented the same, and found that if the link to the reader's mindset wasn't there - it didn't get attention.

Probably just having put "How to Leapfrog Your Attention in a Ribbit" would of done better, just because competition is there.

I'm leaning more towards nouns being the triggers, not the adjectives. It's a simpler angle - but I know fishermen who will jump anytime they see the word "fish" printed somehwere. Or my wife's attention goes up anytime the word "baby" is used these days. I think a part of our minds is always working like a search engine and we all have our own set of keywords.


Shaune Clarke

You should be charging for this info Ryan.

John, this comment is brilliant!

I think a part of our minds is always working like a search engine and we all have our own set of keywords.

Soooo True -- Great analogy.

tower defense

I know fishermen who will jump anytime they see the word "fish" printed somehwere. Or my wife's attention goes up anytime the word "baby" is used these days.

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